Character AI Text Formatting: How to Improve Convos

Character AI text formatting helps to enrich your chat experience and even gain more control over your conversations.

One of the tools at your disposal is Markdown, a lightweight markup language designed to convert plain text into HTML.

It can be used to apply various text styles, making your AI interactions more engaging and dynamic.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different aspects of text formatting in Character AI, primarily focusing on Markdown styling, Parenthetical comments, and the role of various symbols in shaping the narrative.

Guide to Markdown Styling in Character AI

Character AI Text Formatting Examples
Simple Character AI formatting commands

With Character.AI, you have the power to use Markdown for text styling. Both users and characters can utilize Markdown to emphasize specific parts of the dialogue or to create a unique narrative style.

Here’s a quick rundown of the basics:

  • Bold Text: You can make your text bold by enclosing it within double asterisks (**). For example, **This is bold text** will render as: This is bold text.
  • Italics: To italicize your text, simply wrap it in single asterisks (*). For instance, *This is italicized text* will appear as: This is italicized text.
  • Highlight: For highlighting a specific part of the text, use single backticks (). As an example, \This text is highlighted` will show up as This text is highlighted.
  • Strikethrough: If you want to strike out some text, use tilde (~) on both sides of it. ~This is strikethrough text~ will be rendered as: This is strikethrough text.

To create headings of various sizes, you can use one to five ‘#’ symbols at the start of the line.

One ‘#’ renders the largest heading, while five ‘#####’ produce the smallest heading.

In addition, Character AI also supports multi-line code blocks, which can be created by wrapping the content in either three backticks (“`) or three tildes (~~~).

The Art of Parenthetical Comments

Character AI Parentheses Examples
Source: Character AI, SamuraiRobot

In Character.AI, you can use parentheses or Markdown to indicate different things a character might say, describe actions, portray emotional reactions, or even mutter asides.

Parentheses are commonly used to describe scenarios and actions.

For instance, during an AI-based adventure, a character might instruct the user:

{{char}}: The enemy has breached our walls!! Open the secret escape door with the hidden control panel over there! The user might respond with {{user}}: Got it! (opens panel), indicating the action in parentheses.

In Character AI, you can also use single asterisks (*) to indicate action or emotion in a definition.

For example:

*{{user}} feels nervous* can represent an emotional state.

Quotation Marks, Asterisks, and Hyphens

Character AI also supports the traditional narrative approach, where you use quotation marks to denote dialogue.

For example, “Is anyone there?” I say as I peer down the alley.

In addition to parentheses and quotation marks, you can use other symbols to influence the narrative:

  • Double asterisks (**): Text enclosed in double asterisks is rendered in bold. While this primarily influences the visual presentation of the text, it can also be used to emphasize certain parts of the dialogue.
  • Triple asterisks (***): Text enclosed in triple asterisks is rendered in bold and italics, which can be used for strong emphasis or to make the text stand out visually.
  • Four and five asterisks (****, *****): These make the text extra bold and extra bold with italics, respectively. They’re mainly used for visual emphasis and don’t have a specific interpretational meaning for the AI.

Note: You can use hyphens (-) in place of asterisks for actions and thoughts.

Also, using ‘#’ at the beginning of a line changes the size of the text, with one ‘#’ being the largest and five ‘#####’ being the smallest.


In conclusion, the use of Markdown and various other text formatting symbols greatly enhances your interaction with Character AI, making it more immersive and engaging.

As you become more familiar with these tools, you’ll be able to craft more nuanced and expressive conversations with your favorite Character AI bots.

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About the Author

Andrew has over 10 years of experience in advising businesses on growth marketing and strategy. He earned his MBA from NYU Stern with a concentration in data analytics and marketing. Andrew is based out of New York and currently consults Fortune 500 clients and startups on data science projects, digital marketing, and finance.

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