Below is a Character AI generator tool I built to provide inspiration for the Character AI character creation process.
Read on for instructions on how to use this to create your very own Character AI bot!
Short Description
Long Description
Character AI Generator Guide
Log in to Character AI and visit the character creation page to get started.

Once you’re on the character creation page, click Edit Details (Advanced) at the bottom.

Lastly, fill in the fields in the Advanced Character Editor by copying and pasting the text from the generator tool above.

Once you have filled out all the sections, hit the save button at the bottom.
You can now chat with your new character by clicking on their profile at the top of the page.

Feel free to add, remove, and edit the text to make it your own.
Hopefully, this tool can serve as inspiration for you to create more intricate and sophisticated characters.
For a more in-depth guide, check out my Character AI Tips post.
Feel free to share this link, and if you have any feedback or ideas to improve the tool please reach out to me!